

Spolek sběratelů



 Adresy spolků


M. Jančáková


 Seznam exlibris

 Galerie exlibris















   No 4, 2003                                                                            Past Issues


9.  PhDr. Zdenek Nemec:
 Jiri Bouda


J.BoudaWill celebrate his 70th birthday on May 5th 2004. In relation to this important milestone in life 2 exhibitions will be arranged:
from April 6th "Jiri Bouda and railway" in National technique museum in Prague and on April 6th at 5.00 p.m. will start the exhibition "Prague in small graphic of Jiri Bouda" in the foyer of the Academic of science on Narodni Trida in Prague. This exhibition is arranged in cooperation with our association. 

 Translation Marcela Groeneveld (www.e-l-g.nl) 

Contens No 4, 2003


Email ivanbohac@seznam.cz