Association of Collectors
M. Jancakova
No 4, 2003 Past Issues
COVER NOTE 1. JUDr. Vratislav Janda: More to 85th anniversary of establishment of our association. 2. JUDr. Vratislav Janda: More to 85th anniversary of establishment of our association.
ARTICLE 3. Zdeněk Řehák: Noah's Arch as theme for exlibris. Collection establishment with this theme. 4. Dr. Norbert Hillerbrandt: Czech-Austrian contacts of collectors and artists. 5. Aleš Nevečeřal: Honour to P. Frantisek Alex. (1913 - 1988). About books and graphics exhibiton from this author. 6. Ivan Panenka: Professor Karel Ondreicka has died.
INTRODUCTIONS 7. PhDr. Ivo Prokop: Russian graphic designer, living in Czech Republic.
EXHIBITIONS, NEWS 8. Ladislav Dvořák: About his exhibition. 9. Edition: About 2 of author's exhibitions to this jubilee.
ASSOCIATION EVENS 10. Edition: Josef Liesler and Adolf Born honoured.
OPINIONS 11. Committee SSPE: 2004 membership fee increased. Growing expenses are reflected in higher membership fees.
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